Thursday 27 July 2017

Shaivism, Lord Shiva's own Religion.

Śaivism, also written as Shaivism and Saivism, is the Division of Hinduism that worships Shiva as the Supreme God.  Followers of all Śaivism are known as Śaivas or even Śaivites. 

 Founded in India, Śaivism has broad appeal across the nation and is especially strong among the Tamils of Southern India and Sri Lanka.Some customs credit the dispersing of Śaivism into southern India into the blossom, Agastya, who's believed to have attracted Vedic customs and all the Tamil language.

Śaivism is a type of nondual spiritual practice and philosophy originating in India.  Śaivites consider that the whole creation is both a reflection of conscious divinity and can be non-different from this divinity which they call "Śiva".  Since he's concurrently the born and the founder, Śiva is both immanent and transcendent.  

Tuesday 18 July 2017

What is Shiva the god of ???

 The triumvirate has 3 gods who has the responsibility of creating, upkeep and destruction of the world.

Lord Shivas' Epic War with Rama

Lord Shivas' Epic War with Rama was not a well documented war, it is mentioned however in the Shiva Purana . This was unfortunately started because of a stolen horse.